Contribution To Programme
NASTEC consortium is contributing to EU funded programme through the hierarchy of objectives.
Building up confidence and trust in networking and related applications through setting up of a public key infrastructure and related services in Newly Associated States (NAS).
Building a focal point for dissemination and awareness actions for use of security technology and other data protection techniques.
Helping in the development of new methods of work in NAS through the use of data protection techniques, adoption of e-work in NAS.
Advanced services with sufficient user base to enable dissemination of knowledge about leading edge technology, such as smart-card and personal token systems and last deployment – e.g. European electronic document format EESSI, TSP, data notarisation, OCSP, etc
Enabling co-operation with Newly Associated States – formation of project consortia.
Contribution To Community
As the Internet becomes an ubiquitous feature of our daily lives, we will use it to satisfy the information needs in much more powerful and yet simpler ways than having a PC at home, working as tele-worker, doing electronic banking for personal use, learning through participation in a distance learning course or simply browsing web pages for entertainment or shopping. The kind of information exchanged in all these processes is important to the communicating party on the both side. It requires protection from unauthorised eyes and ears. Being protected when working, learning, shopping or doing any kind of e-business is of great and increased value to the citizens, students, business people, employees and employers.
The trust that an individual or company is protected when communicating with the help of the new technology is of ultimate importance for the job transformation process that is taking part in all over Europe. There is no area in e-business that can proliferate without extensive use of tools that provide satisfactory protection and privacy of data or personality. This is also one of the main requirements for successful proliferation of new methods of work and e-business.
New methods of work, tele working or tele-education help people to stay in their environment and to work on distance for employer that needs their input. Enabling safe e-work, e-education and e-business helps employment problems in some part of Europe, e.g. NAS, to be diminished and better human resource management to take place. It also helps the take-up of self-employment, vocational training and entrepreneur-ship.
By bringing the PKI infrastructure and the knowledge required for security services close to the user community in NAS the NASTEC project will help proliferation of the tele-working, tele-education, self learning processes to develop faster in these environment.
Contribution To Policies
One of the main EU policies is the improvement of the business environment through liberalised telecommunications environment and the measures that ensure data protection, copyright and digital signature usage. These requirements are met through provision of technology components, architecture, tools, systems and services that support transfer of digital objects and their management as commercial assets. NASTEC is providing technology, knowledge and expertise being developed in previous R&D EU funded projects to be transferred in the Newly Associated States.
Protection of privacy, even for informal communication is one of the priorities set up for deployment of the global market place in EU. NASTEC is addressing these issues with activities that help the policies set up in EU to be understood and implemented in some environment of NAS. The enlargement process of EU requires harmonised economy and legal system common to all EU members. NAS are now working to align their economy and legislation system with the European standards. NASTEC is working towards this goal, i.e. trust and confidence in the networking infrastructure used for e-commerce, e-business and e-work to be deployed in NAS and used in the European common market. NASTEC is also addressing some legal aspect in running e-commerce – the digital signature act and Third Party Services within the dissemination activities. All these activities are essential for success coverage at European level, which NASTEC provide through collaboration scheme set up between two members of EU and three NAS.