David Chadwick
Prof. David Chadwick holds a BSc and PhD from Salford University. Dr Chadwick is an internationally recognised expert in X.500, the international standard for Directory Services, and LDAP, the Internet standard for directory access. He has published widely on this topic, including one major book "Understanding X.500 - The Directory", one Internet RFC "RFC 2120 Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context", and two co-authored guides which were sponsored by the DTI. He is an active participant in the Internet LDAP standards work, and the author of several current LDAP Internet Drafts. He is also the BSI representative to ISO/ITU-T X.500 standardisation meetings, and was the international editor for the 1993 enhancements to Part 4 of the Standard. David Chadwick is currently the leader of a number of security related research projects, for example a project building an authorisation infrastructure using X.509(2001) Attribute Certificates to allow Salford City Council, Bologna City Commune and Barcelona City to participate in various e-commerce activities securely over the Internet.
Herv Debar
Herv Debar holds an engineering degree in Telecommunications and a PhD from the university of Paris. He has been working on intrusion detection research and development for the past 12 years, and has authored over a dozen articles and several patents in the area. He has been a member of the Global Security Analysis Lab at IBM Zurich Research Lab, and he is currently an expert on information security at France Telecom. His research interests are related to practical information security, such as intrusion-detection, alert management and correlation, and operational security.
Jos Dumortier
Jos Dumortier graduated in Law at K.U.Leuven (1973). After postgraduate studies in Nancy (Centre Europen Universitaire, 1974) and Heidelberg (DAAD, 1975), he became research fellow at K.U.Leuven. In 1981 he finished his Ph.D. in Law with a dissertation on Private International Conflicts of Law. From 1981 to 1992 he worked part-time as a lawyer in a large Brussels law office. From 1981 until 1983 he studied Information Science (INFODOC) at the Universit Libre de Bruxelles. Between 1984 and 1992 he was part-time lecturer in Information Science at the University of Antwerp. In 1985 he became a part-time lecturer and in 1993 a full-time Professor in Law and IT at K.U.Leuven. In 1990 he co-founded the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology and was the Centre's first Director. From 1991 to present he has been active in lecturing, research and consultancy in the area of Law and ICT, and he has published several books and articles on this subject. Prof. Dumortier is the editor of the International Encyclopedia of Cyberlaw (Kluwer International Publishers) and editorial board member of many other specialized publications. Prof. Dumortier is regularly working as an expert for the Belgian federal government, the Flemish government, the European Commission and several national and international organisations on issues relating to Law and ICT.
Stephen Farrell
Stephen Farrell has been working in IT security for more than 15 years. He is co-author of a number of Internet RFCs (Requests for Comments), such as An Internet Attribute Certificate Profile for Authorization (RFC 3281), Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Management Protocols (RFC 2510) or AAA Authorization Framework (RFC 2904). He is also editor of WAP Public Key Infrastructure Specification standard, chair of the Internet Society's Interplanetary Networking special interest group, co-chair of the W3C xkms (XML key management) working group, and co-chair of IETF sacred working group. Before joining Trinity College Dublin, he was chief security architect at Baltimore Technologies.
Tomaz Klobucar
Dr. Tomaz Klobucar studied mathematics at University of Ljubljana, and later computer science and informatics at the same university where he got his masters and Ph.D. degree. His main research interests are computer and network security and privacy. For the last few years, he has been involved in establishing and operation of the first Slovenian certification authority SI-CA. He has experience from participation in several EU funded projects, for example ICE-TEL, ICE-CAR, NASTEC or ELENA. Currently, he is a research assistant at Jozef Stefan Institute and head of SETCCE's (Security Technology Competence Centre) research group.
Antonio Lioy
Antonio Lioy is Associate Professor of Distributed Computing Systems at the Politecnico di Torino, where he leads the TORSEC group that performs research and consultancy projects in the field of network and computer security. This group took part to several international projects and manages the EuroPKI infrastructure.
Prof. Lioy is a reviewer for the European Commission in the Trust and Confidence area, is a member of IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society, and acts as a consultant for various government bodies on computer security aspects.
Peter Lipp
Dr. Peter Lipp is an assistant professor at the Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications, Graz University of Technology. He is managing the institute's PKI group and has been responsible for IAIK's participation in the ICE-TEL, ICE-CAR and AIDA projects. He was involved in the W3C's digital signature initiative and was one of the editors for the resulting W3C recommendation. Additionally, he is responsible for the institute's co-operation with evolaris, a competence center for interactive eBusiness and is currently head of unit trust within evolaris.
Franjo Majstor
Franjo Majstor holds an University Graduate Engineering degree from University of Zagreb, Croatia and Master of Science degree which he obtained on subject "IPsec Extensions" from Faculty of Computer Sciences at KUL University of Leuven, Belgium. He started his industry career back in 1990, joined Cisco Systems in 1995 where he is currently working out of Brussels office.
In his role of EMEA technical consultant, he is focusing on security and VPN related technologies and is involved as a trusted adviser in designs of major security network related projects in Europe, Middle East and Africa. He holds a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification from ISC2 ( International Information Systems Security Certifications Consortium) and CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert) in security and access certifications from Cisco Systems and is a member of several professional associations including CSI (Computer Security Institute), ISSA (Information System Security Association), IEEE and IETF.
Vaclav Matyas
Vashek (Vaclav) Matyas is an Assistant Professor at the Masaryk University Brno, and (as of September 2003) on a sabbatical lecturing appointment with University College Dublin. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Data Security Management, and co-founder and CEO of ecom-monitor.com. He was an Associate Director with Ubilab, UBS AG; Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow with the Cambridge University Computer Lab; and also Director, Technology and Security, of a London-based CA Uptime Commerce. Vashek previously worked on the development of Common Criteria and with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27.
Wolfgang Schneider
Wolfgang Schneider is head of the "security and smartcard technology" department at the Fraunhofer Institute SIT. He is also founder and managing director of Secude GmbH, a leading IT-security technology company with branches in Darmstadt (Germany) and Z(Switzerland). He has been working in the IT-security area since 15 years, was a project leader or participant in many European and national security projects and is a frequent speaker on IT-security issues.
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