Portoroz is a highly attractive and finest Mediterranean resort at the top of Adriatic sea, with pleasant climate, beutiful shore and plenty of pleasure.
Geographical position
There, where the Gulf of Triest as an organic part of the Adriatic Sea reaches at its most to the heart of Europe, lies the Slovenian Coast and Portoroz. The Slovenian Coast borders to the two neighbouring countries: over the sea and on the eastern edge with Italy, on south with Croatia. In accordance with identification method applied to the big European cities, it could be said that Portorož lies somewhere between Venice and Vienna in the vicinity of Triest. Along the existing communication links, it is quite near to cities of Zagreb, Graz, Salzburg, Muenchen, Budapest.
Portorož belongs with its sub-mediterranean climate among the warmest areas of Slovenia. There are many sunny days. The yearly average of the sunny days amounts to 2346 hours, the precipitations are scarce and range between 1000 and 1100 mm per year. The mild winters with temperatures very rarely below zero are characteristic, as well as not too hot summers. Due to that the visitors not able to support the severe heat of the southern parts of Mediterranean in summer, are the most frequent guests.
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