The CMS 2002 Program Committee has invited three highly distinguished keynote speakers from the area of communications and multimedia security technology.

Dr. Stephen Kent - BBN Technologies

In his role as Chief Scientist, Dr. Kent oversees information security activities within BBN Technologies, and works with government and commercial clients, consulting on system security architecture issues. In this capacity he has acted as system architect in the design and development of network security systems for the Department of Defense and served as principal investigator on a number of network security R&D projects for almost 20 years. His current work focuses on high speed encryption, high assurance crypto modules, and PKI.

Dr. Kent co-chairs the PKIX WG of the IETF, and is the author of the core IPsec standards: AH, ESP, and the IPsec architecture. The author of two book chapters and numerous technical papers on network security, he has served as a referee, panelist and session chair for a number of conferences. Since 1977 he has lectured on the topic of network security on behalf of government agencies, universities, and private companies throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, and the Far East. Dr. Kent received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Loyola University of New Orleans, and the S.M., E.E., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the ACM and a member of the Internet Society and Sigma Xi.

Prof. Antonio Lioy - Politecnico di Torino

Prof. Antonio Lioy leads a research group which performs research and consultancy projects in the field of network and computer security, for both public agencies and private firms. In particular he acts as a consultant for various government bodies on computer security aspects.

Corinna Schulze - European Commission

Corinna Schulze has a first juridical Law Degree from the University of Muenster (Westfaelische Wilhelms Universitaet Muenster) and second juridical state exam with the district court of Dortmund. In her current position with Directorate General "Information Society" (Unit C3: New methods of work and electronic commerce) she is responsible for projects related to the IST programme and the development of the unit website. As an expert in electronic commerce and multimedia regulation her responsibilities involve furthermore the drafting of policy papers related to electronic commerce.

Prior to joining the European Commission she was working as Analyst at the E-Commerce & Multimedia Department Cullen International S.A.. Her specific tasks with Cullen International included monitoring developments in the field of electronic commerce both at EU level and at Member State level, with specific responsibility for Germany. She has co-authored a practical guide for SMEs concerning legal aspects of electronic commerce.

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