As security is becoming a part of our daily routine SETCCE is working hard to broaden the horizon of advanced technology development and usage. For this purpose the sixth IFIP conference on communications and multimedia security will be held on the beautiful Mediterranean seaside of Slovenia.
The main goals of CMS 2002 are to gather and present the latest development and identify future research challenges in the area of communications and multimedia security, to identify and study questions associated with the development of new generations of multimedia and communication systems, to present application of new security technologies to future e-work systems and e-economy, including e-commerce and e-government and to facilate creation of constituencies of RTD stakeholders. The event is a joint working conference of IFIP TC6 and TC11.
You are kindly invited to attend and participate at highest quality presentations held by distinguish developers, researchers and professors on a world-wide level in Portoroz, the city of roses.
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