Specific details

eXSign is a powerful tool for instant digital signatures creation and verification, and encrypting data in XML format. Only one COM or one DLL object of 750 KB length enables direct integration of signing, verification, encryption and decryption functions in development environment with high performance and reliability requirements. Included objects enable easy, reliable and prompt designing of applications for servers and clients.

Some specific details of eXSign 3.0 SDK product:

Learn and understanding XMLDsig and XMLEnc through powerful GUI
Verify multiple signatures in one instance
Sign already signed file(s)
Return of specific certificate information (subject, issuer, fingerprint)
    when using any operation (sign, verify, encrypt or decrypt)
Insert only public key into Signature element when signing, not
    a whole certificate
Submit plain XML as input parameter to any function (sign,
    verify, encrypt or decrypt) instead of specifying file name
Specify subject and/or issuer of the certificate beside certificate
    fingerprint, when using default certificate option
CRL verification using LDAP (only with Win2000 and later)

Multithreading safe

For specific requirements and/or more detailed description of eXSign 3.0 product contact or download and try demo version.